Электронная приемная

Дни рождения!

Сегодня: 21 декабря 2024 г.


  • Валеева Алевтина Николаевна
  • Ельцова Ольга Геннадьевна
  • Прошлякова Александра Рудольфовна


  • Ворончихин Артём Львович
  • Молошонок Мелана Анатольевна
  • Назарова Алиса Антоновна
  • Нуриев Карим Фанисович
  • Паймухина Ксения Александровна
  • Уткин Матвей Станиславович

Метеостанция школы

Реальная погода в районе школы

обновление данных происходит каждые 2 минуты
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Возможность проведения уроков физкультуры на стадионе в зависимости от температуры воздуха и скорости ветра

1-6 классы
7 класс
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10-11 классы

Методическая копилка учителя

заполнение этого раздела началось 27 октября 2008 года

Тип: Материалы к уроку

Postal service

We sometimes do not appreciate the tremendous job the post office does in getting our mail to us. When we drop a letter in the post box we take it for granted that the letter carrier will deliver it to the right address, wherever it might be. Now let us pay a visit to our local post-office.

There are a number of windows with a sign showing the operations handled. They are: stamps, postcards, air Mail, registered letters, Post restante Parcels, money orders . You can buy here all kinds of stamps, post cards, and envelopes. When sending a letter of special value you should have it registered. Registered letters are not left with the ordinary mail in the letter- box, but delivered personally. The sender is given a receipt at the post office, so he can always trace the letter .Of course, there is a special charge for the service, but if the letter is urgent, it is worth it!

The Post Restate window keeps mail until called for. The post-office maintains this service for those who prefer to pick up the mail in person. The window marked Parcel Post handles all parcels or packages. We must not forget to insure your parcel if you have got something valuable in it. This costs but a trifle, but makes delivery double sure. The larger post – office maintain a wrapping and packing services. At the Money order window we can send the money. If a remittance is received to our name we can get the money there. We are given a printed form to fill in. The official asks for our passport, checks it up with the printed form, returns the passport and hands us the money.

At the post-office we can sand all kinds of telegrams: photo-telegrams, express-telegrams, ordinary and urgent telegrams. You can subscribe to different papers and magazines at the window Printed matter.

To facilitate the speedy delivery we must write the address legibly. Illegible handwriting leads to delay in delivery. We must also observe certain rules of writing the address in Russian and English languages. There is some difference in doing it.

All prepositions and articles are omitted in the telegrams. At the post-office we can also book a trunk call to a city in Russia and abroad. There is also a saving bank where we can put in and draw out our money.

Источник: englishclub.narod.ru

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