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Сегодня: 21 декабря 2024 г.


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Возможность проведения уроков физкультуры на стадионе в зависимости от температуры воздуха и скорости ветра

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Методическая копилка учителя

заполнение этого раздела началось 27 октября 2008 года

Тип: Поурочные и методические разработки
Автор: Ю.В.Варламова

Блок уроков по теме: It’s all in the mind

Разработки уроков английского языка

 Варламовой Юлии Валерьевны,

Школа №97

г. Ижевск, Удмуртская республика

Урок 2 Who succeeds

Цель урока – совершенствование лингвистической компетенции учащихся по теме «Образование»


Познавательный аспект:расширение общего кругозора школьников, формирование модели идеального ученика;

Учебный аспект: совершенствование лексическо-грамматических навыков, совершенствование навыков говорения, развитие навыков аудирования;

Развивающий аспект: развитие языковой догадки, развитие мышления, памяти, внимания, восприятия; формирование навыков межличностного общения;

Воспитательный аспект: развитие у школьников умения сотрудничать, активно слушать, воспитание положительных привычек, прилежного отношения к учебе.

Дидактический материал – схема для игры в Крестики-нолики, карточки для говорения

лексический – play truant, cheat, learn by heart, degree, headmaster, term, absent, revising, retake, succeed, catch on, speak up, pick on somebody, look smth up, keep up with others, get across ideas, work out, let somebody off, pick up, , фразы выражения личного мнения (From my point of view, In my opinion..., Personally I believe that…);

грамматический – времена английского глагола; неличные формы глагола: Gerund, Participle I; условный предложения 1,2-го порядка

Ход урока

1.     Warming up.(2 min)

Nice to see you everybody!

How many lessons do you have today? What are they?

What do you think is the purpose of going to school? Is it to make you more intelligent? Is it to learn information? Is it to pass exams? Is it to develop social skills when dealing with others?

Are you successful enough in achieving these aims?

What should we do to succeed in studying?

2.     Brainstorm.(3 min)

Who can say what the five most important characteristics are which make an ideal student? 

(The answers can be chosen from the list: obedient, hard-working, cooperative, punctual, beautiful, cheerful, well-organized, intelligent, tidy, honest, funny, patient, etc.) Explain your choice.

3.     Control of the homework (10 min)

So one of the characteristics of an ideal student is hard-working. Does it mean that you should always do your homework? So let’s check it and see the results of your previous homework:

a)     Word formation:









b)       And now to train your memory let’s see divide into 2 teams and play the game Crosses and Naught based on the questions to the text.

(учащиеся выбирают поле, и отвечают на вопрос учителя, если ответ верный- знак их команды рисуют на этом поле, цель игры –как и в обычной версии крестиков-ноликов – выстроить 3 своих фигуры на одной линии)

The table for the students:




Do? Why?





In what way?





What kinds?


The table for the teacher:

What is the difference between brains and computers?


Do men and women differ in the way they think? Why?

What is the lobotomy?


Whose brain weighed 2000g?

In what way were mentally ill people treated long time ago?

How can a person develop his brain power?


Why is brain called “Bloodthirsty”?

What kinds of skills are involved in cooking?

Are mental processes deeply formed habits?

4.     Revising and enriching the Vocabulary / new information (20 min)

a)     I really enjoy this game. Do you? I think you do because everyone adores working in groups! Is it true? Now we will be supposed to work individually and you’ll see if you are successful in this activity. Use the context hints to find the right answer!

Fill in the gaps in the following sentences with the words in the box.

playground    truant     cheat    heart    correct term    give    absent    hard    degree    break university    headmaster    report    board

1.     Our teachers   ……..our homework in the

evening and                it out the next day.

2.     My brother tried to……..   in the exam, but

he was caught and sent to the………….

3.     I like to play football in the…….   with my

friends during the lunch………..

4.     She got a very good school………because

she worked so               this………….

5.     I'd like to go to…….when I finish school

and do a                 in Economics.

6.     The teacher wrote the rules on the……..

and told us to learn them by          . .

7.     Were you    ……….for a good reason

yesterday or were you playing        ?

            What words were new for you from this exercise?

Now, will you be honest and answer:

Do you play truant sometimes or you are always absent for a good reason? Do you cheat on exams or learn everything by heart?

b)    Now I’d like to suggest you another type of work in pairs. Your task is to define the right alternative in each case.

2.Read the following text and choose the correct alternative in each case.

I started school when I was five and I went to the local (1) nursery/primary school. I liked it very much; the (2) classes/lessons were small and the (3) teachers/professors were very friendly. At eleven I changed and went to (4) sixth form college/secondary school. Things didn't go so well here. I hated studying (5) subjects/courses like Biology and Physics and I got terrible (6) points/marks in tests. My parents tried to (7) teach/learn me the things I didn't understand, but it was no good. I used to get very worried about my end-of-year exams and one year, even though I spent a lot of time (8) revising/reviewing, I knew I wouldn't (9) pass/succeed. In the end I was right – I (10) failed/missed all the exams and had to retake/remake them all a few months later. That was the worst year of my school life, but it didn't stop me having a good (12) course/career as an engineer.

         Now let’s see the results and explain the meanings of both words given.

c)      Well-done! Being in school we can face different situations like someone being treated badly or being ill for a long time. Look at some more of them and define the meaning of the phrasal verbs by the context.

 Read the following sentences and match each phrasal verb in italics to a meaning below.

1.   Please speak up! We can't hear you at the back.

2.   If you don't know what it means, look it up in a dictionary.

3.   Why do you always pick on me? It's just not fair!

4.   Paul is having problems keeping up with the other children in his class.

5.   You need to try and get across your ideas better.

6.   He catches on very quickly. You never have to explain anything twice.

7.   I'll let you off this time, but I don't want to catch you two fighting again.

8.   I can't work out how to do this math problem.

9.    He picked up a lot of Italian by just chatting to people in cafes.

a)                          learn                   

b)                          not punish

c)                           understand

d)                          treat badly

e)                          calculate

f)                            talk more loudly

g)                          find information in a reference book

h)                           communicate

i)     maintain the same level

d)    Pair work (работа в парах сменного состава)

Everyone will get a card with the situation. Find a partner and ask this question to him to get the answer using one of the phrasal verbs given. You should talk to everybody in the class.

Cards are the following:

Card 1

The speaker is talking quietly. What would you say to him in this situation?

Card 2

A student to another student who is always asking her what words mean. What would he say in this situation?

Card 3

A child complaining to a parent about unfair treatment. What would he say in this situation?

Card 4

A teacher talking to two pupils who have been caught fighting. What would he say in this situation?

Card 5

A teacher writing a comment to a student about his written work. What would he write in this situation?

Card 6

A younger sister or brother asking an older sister/brother for help with homework. What would he/she say in this situation?

Card 7

A woman telling a friend how her husband learnt a language. What would she say in this situation?

Card 8

A teacher talking to another teacher about a particularly bright student. What would he/she say in this situation?


5.     Reflex ion (3 min)

To sum up, let’s turn back to our model of the ideal student. Can we add some more characteristics to the list?

(a person who doesn’t pick on others, who catches on very quickly, who doesn’t play truant, who doesn’t cheat)

So we’ve got an ideal artificial picture that perhaps even doesn’t exist. However, it’s up to everyone to decide what purpose we should achieve while studying at school and choose own way of behavior.

6.     Homework (2 min)

Use the task to prepare two-minute talk on the topic of School life (use the words from the lesson) (форма монологического высказывания приближена типу задания по говорению на ЕГЭ)


Give a 2-minute talk on school life.


Remember to say:


·         how you feel about your school;

·         what you would change to improve it;

·         if you have subject you like/dislike most, and why

·         how you feel about exams;


You will have to talk for 1.5 – 2 minutes. The examiner will listen until you have finished. Then she \ he will ask you some questions.

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