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Сегодня: 30 декабря 2024 г.


  • Вихарева Дарья Сергеевна
  • Дементьева Анна Павловна

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Возможность проведения уроков физкультуры на стадионе в зависимости от температуры воздуха и скорости ветра

1-6 классы
7 класс
8-9 классы
10-11 классы

Методическая копилка учителя

заполнение этого раздела началось 27 октября 2008 года

Тип: Поурочные и методические разработки
Автор: Ю.В.Варламова


Блок уроков по теме: It’s all in the mind

Разработки уроков английского языка

 Варламовой Юлии Валерьевны,

Школа №97

г. Ижевск, Удмуртская республика


Урок 3. Exam Fever

Цель урока – совершенствование  навыков  аудирования


Познавательный аспект: расширение общего кругозора школьников, стимулирование деятельности учащихся путём обращения к дополнительным источникам информации, включая ресурсы Интернет;

Учебный аспект: развитие и совершенствование навыков аудирования, совершенствование фонетических навыков, оперативной памяти, речевого слуха и вероятностного прогнозирования, активизация фраз согласия/несогласия, выражения мнения;

Развивающий аспект: развитие способности и готовности осуществлять непосредственное и опосредованное общение, творческой и поисковой активности учащихся интеллектуальных способностей, языковой догадки;

Воспитательный аспект: формирование эмоционально-оценочного отношения к миру и к себе, развитие мотивации учения.

Оснащение урока - CD проигрыватель

Речевой материал:

лексический –revising for exams, competitive exams, coursework, take/pass/fail exams, unfair, to pace oneself, to go through notes, to catch on, feel anxiety, the pressure is on you, фразы согласия и вежливого несогласия (I completely agree.., I couldn’t agree more.., That’s right, I agree up to a point but…, I’m with you on that и т.д. ), выражения личного мнения (From my point of view, In my opinion..., Personally I believe that…);

грамматический – времена английского глагола; неличные формы глагола: Gerund, Participle I; выражения и союзы для описания причинно-следственных связей: (Consequently, because, thanks to, the fact that, due to, so, that’s why); структура косвенного вопроса (Indirect question): Do you know...? Can (Could) you tell me..., please? I wonder if you could tell me ..., I should be interested to know...

Ход урока

1.     Warming up (2 min)

Hello, everybody! How are you today? What are your ups and downs today?

We continue talking about school and education in general.

What are the most troublesome moments you experience at school?

I agree with you that the answer is Exams! What is your attitude to them?

What do you feel about exams?

It’ not a secret this year you are supposed to take State Exams. To succeed in passing exams we have to study hard during the year, not just the last week before the exams. That’s why at home you were supposed to practice talk.

2.     Control of the homework (10 min)

(выборочно опрашиваем 3-4 учащихся по домашнему заданию - монологическое высказывание на тему School Life, остальные тем временем – рассказывают в парах. Критерии оценки устного ответа – по шкале ЕГЭ)

(The teacher comments on the students’ answers)

3.     Actualization/Questionnaire/Listening (5 min)

The examinations will be soon and many students must be under tremendous stress. But it is not just the students who are stressed as teachers and parents to face the same situation. Why do people get stressed?

Let’s answer the questionnaire to know if we have a good memory. Listen to my questions and in make note in your exercise books.

Can you rely on your memory?

1.      I can retell the details of the film that I saw last week .

a)      Yes

b)      No

2.      I revise for exam during a week in order to pass it.

a)      Yes

b)      No

3.      I forget my exercise books at home.

a)      Often

b)      Seldom

c)      Never

4.      My teachers tell me off because of my inaccuracy.

a)      Yes

b)      No

5.      Sometimes I forget about my friends’ or relatives’ birthdays.

a)      Yes

b)      No

6.      While reading a book I prefer to use a bookmark.

a) Yes

b) No

7.      I am able to retell the book that I read 3 years ago.

a)      Yes

b)      No

8.      It’s rather difficult for me to wake up late.

a)      Yes

b)      No

The keys to the Questionnaire



























Those who have 13-16 points, you have a really reliable memory. In most cases you are rather successful on your exams. You have a good imagination that helps you to memorize a great deal of information.

You’ve scored 10-12. Not bad! Usually you memorize the information that is important for you and sometimes you forget about the details. So keep your memory in fit by training it. There are a great number of ways to do it: for example learning foreign languages, memorizing recipes, historical dates and so on.

If your results are 8-9 don’t worry. Perhaps one of the reasons you forget everything is that you are tired or under the pressure. You have to organize your day, for example, keeping the dairy and making plans for the following week. Seven to eight hours of sleep is necessary for optimal physical rest and brain functioning. Take up any kinds of sport and you’ll see the results.


4.     Listening activities (11 min)

a)     You see we have different results, and different attitudes to exams. Let’s now listen to some more opinions about the exam.

You are going to hear three students talking about exams. Listen and answer the following questions.

  1. Which person doesn't mind exams?
  2.  Which person doesn't like exams?
  3.  Which person doesn't give his/her opinion?

Please, give you results. (см. Tape script)

b)    What kind of exams were the speakers talking about? Let’s listen to one more time and do the following task:

Now listen again and decide which of the -students (1, 2 or 3) talk about the following things.

a) oral exams

b) coursework

c) competitive exams

d) writing speed

e) revising for exams

f) failing exams


Try to prove your answer by saying what the speakers told about these exams.

5.     Practice using speech patterns (7 min)

a) And what is your opinion about competitive exams? Are they really efficient? Give your opinion using the appropriate expressions.

-In my opinion…

- From my point of view…

- As far as I’m concerned…

b) I see that you don’t agree absolutely with each other. So what expressions are useful in this situation?

Right! There are plenty of them.

Put the following ways of agreeing and disagreeing in order from strong agreement to strong disagreement. Decide which two are similar in strength.

a)     I don’t really agree

b)    I completely agree.

c)     I agree up to a point, but…

d)    I couldn’t agree more…

e)     I don’t agree at all.

f)      That’s right.


(Then the teacher plays the cassette to listen to the right answers. Students try to imitate the pronunciation of the people they heard)

c)     During examination you sometimes have to prove your position to the teacher. Have you had such situation?

Let’s practice giving your personal opinion on different issues. (work in pairs)

Work with a partner and briefly give your opinion about each of the following. Your partner should say if he/she agrees or disagrees and why.

1.     The weather at the moment

2.     Smacking your children

3.     Banning smoking at the restaurant

4.     The need to look after the environment

5.     The quality of the programmes on TV

6.     Reflexion (3 min)

So what advice would you give to the students who take the exam?

What changes would you like to make in our school curriculum?

What kinds of new exams would you like to take?

And remember that a positive thought is the seed of a positive result. Always feel positive. This will help to lessen stress.

7.     Homework (2 min)

1.     Get ready for the Debates according to the part you’ve been given

2.     For additional reading:

a)     http://hinduonnet.com/thehindu/quest/200403/stories/2004031301200100.htm -Site to read the article about some advice not to feel anxiety during exams

b)    http://ezinearticles.com/?Tips-to-Overcome--Exam--Fever&id=112220- tips to overcome exam fever

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